Resilience Through Gratitude

Resilience Through Gratitude

As mentor leaders, we have an especially important role to play in encouraging and lifting up our teams, even when things are going well. In fact, regularly voicing appreciation for effort, progress and excellence is one of the most valuable things we can do in that role.

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A Single Point

A Single Point

As team members, it’s critical to the team’s performance that we excel in our given role, even if it isn’t the largest or most glamorous role.

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The Menus Actually Mattered

The Menus Actually Mattered

As mentor leaders, we have an especially important role to play in encouraging and lifting up our teams, even when things are going well. In fact, regularly voicing appreciation for effort, progress and excellence is one of the most valuable things we can do in that role.

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The Power of Encouragement

The Power of Encouragement

As mentor leaders, we have an especially important role to play in encouraging and lifting up our teams, even when things are going well. In fact, regularly voicing appreciation for effort, progress and excellence is one of the most valuable things we can do in that role.

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Sharing With the Competition

Sharing With the Competition

One of my favorite events every year is Larry Shyatt's basketball coaches' clinic. He started it at the University of Florida when he was on Billy Donovan's staff and has continued it every year since...even though he moved on to other jobs, and now retirement from...

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Agreeing to Disagree – For Over 30 Years!

Agreeing to Disagree – For Over 30 Years!

Last month I headed to Lexington, KY, for the most recent version of my ongoing fantasy baseball league's draft. Our 32nd. We've also held it in the Lexington in Massachusetts, along with San Diego, Tampa, Palm Beach, Boston, DC, Vermont, Tennessee, Utah, Arizona and...

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A Growth Mindset

A Growth Mindset

When I graduated from Duke University in 1991, I wasn't in a particular hurry to get back. To paraphrase Sal Maricano of ESPN, "Happiness was Durham in my rear-view mirror." I'd gone up there to play baseball and football, but ended up playing only a single season of...

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You Never Fully “Arrive”

You Never Fully “Arrive”

Last week I wrote about not transferring blame (via Colorado Mesa baseball).    As leaders, as we — and those we lead — truly own our mistakes, it's important that we also learn from them, and then move on. Learn from the past; don't live in it. That mindset is...

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Don’t Transfer Blame – Instilling Accountability in Teams

Don’t Transfer Blame – Instilling Accountability in Teams

I learned a new lesson in accountability while in Orlando to keynote an international conference for the Turfgrass Producers International, thanks to two days with the Colorado Mesa Mavericks baseball team, ranked in the top 10 of Division II college baseball.Before...

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Striving For Excellence, Celebrating Wins

Striving For Excellence, Celebrating Wins

What does it mean to strive for excellence, and does it follow that we'll always be dissatisfied? And can we still be grateful? In 1999, when I was still with the Jacksonville Jaguars, we went 14-2 but lost in the AFC Championship game to the Tennessee Titans...for...

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New Year, New Process?

New Year, New Process?

When I was in school at Harvard, I took a class from the late, brilliant Stephen Jay Gould, a paleontologist and big baseball fan (the latter is what helped me understand any of his examples). He spoke and wrote often of our preoccupation with otherwise meaningless...

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Mentoring, the US Army, and Me

Mentoring, the US Army, and Me

I've been able to speak in some really neat settings, including to professional and college sports teams, on university campuses, in foreign countries...even at the Iowa Speedway. Last month may have been the most unique of them all, as I was invited to Joint Base...

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Patience – The Steeler Way

Patience – The Steeler Way

Be patient. Mean Joe Greene was drafted in 1969 by the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the team actually fell from 2 wins to only 1! The next year they drafted Terry Bradshaw and won 5. In 1972 Greene was tired of the slow progress and QUIT after the fourth game (the...

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2 Takeaways from the Final Four

2 Takeaways from the Final Four

I had the privilege to speak to the Florida Atlantic basketball team a couple of years ago. They were gracious and attentive, and I enjoyed sharing with them on building teams and culture, simply trying to reinforce what they were already hearing from their...

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Lessening Super Bowl Distractions

Lessening Super Bowl Distractions

Such an exciting times for members of the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles! Last Sunday both qualified for the Super Bowl, and they are heading to Glendale, Arizona for the game. We went through the same thing twenty years ago when I was in the scouting...

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Fired Into the Great Wide Open

Fired Into the Great Wide Open

This week in 2004, I was fired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Bruce Allen had just replaced Rich McKay as General Manager, and I was a "McKay Guy," weary from two years of internal battles between head coach Jon Gruden and Rich (as well as the rest of us in the...

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Backdating Goals

Backdating Goals

I'm sure Tony Robbins might not approve, but I've been known to backdate my goals. Yes, backdate. (Yes, having actual, forward-looking goals or a "One Word" is good, but stick with me - this is different.) At the end of December, I'll think about things that have...

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Gratitude Builds Resilience

Gratitude Builds Resilience

Want more energy? Want to feel more upbeat? Want to experience a release from the challenges of the day? Find things to be grateful for. Robert Emmons, professor at the University of California at Davis, has found that practicing...

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Twists and Turns of the UNCommon Variety

Twists and Turns of the UNCommon Variety

I'm sure my Duke Football teammates will think I'm nuts. (I probably am, but I'd argue for other reasons.) A week ago, I found myself on the practice field at the University of North Carolina, where my daughter is starting graduate school. We visited with Mack Brown,...

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I Thought It Was Only Ice Cream

I Thought It Was Only Ice Cream

I thought we were just getting ice cream. I certainly didn't think I'd be getting a reminder in mission, vision and values. Our youngest daughter had rowed in the state sculling competition earlier that day, so here we were, figuring we'd chase dinner with ice cream...

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