Resilience Through Gratitude

Resilience Through Gratitude

As mentor leaders, we have an especially important role to play in encouraging and lifting up our teams, even when things are going well. In fact, regularly voicing appreciation for effort, progress and excellence is one of the most valuable things we can do in that role.

A Growth Mindset

A Growth Mindset

When I graduated from Duke University in 1991, I wasn’t in a particular hurry to get back. To paraphrase Sal Maricano of ESPN, “Happiness was Durham in my rear-view mirror.” I’d gone up there to play baseball and football, but ended up playing...
You Never Fully “Arrive”

You Never Fully “Arrive”

Last week I wrote about not transferring blame (via Colorado Mesa baseball).    As leaders, as we — and those we lead — truly own our mistakes, it’s important that we also learn from them, and then move on. Learn from the past; don’t live in it. That...