by Nathan Whitaker | Feb 9, 2024 | Blog, leadership, relationships, Resilience, teambuilding, teamwork
I learned a new lesson in accountability while in Orlando to keynote an international conference for the Turfgrass Producers International, thanks to two days with the Colorado Mesa Mavericks baseball team, ranked in the top 10 of Division II college baseball. Before...
by Nathan Whitaker | Jan 15, 2024 | Blog, leadership, relationships, Resilience, teambuilding, teamwork
When I was in school at Harvard, I took a class from the late, brilliant Stephen Jay Gould, a paleontologist and big baseball fan (the latter is what helped me understand any of his examples). He spoke and wrote often of our preoccupation with otherwise meaningless...
by Nathan Whitaker | Jan 4, 2024 | Blog, leadership, relationships, Resilience, teambuilding, teamwork
I’ve been able to speak in some really neat settings, including to professional and college sports teams, on university campuses, in foreign countries…even at the Iowa Speedway. Last month may have been the most unique of them all, as I was invited to...
by Nathan Whitaker | Jan 17, 2023 | Blog, football, relationships, Resilience
This week in 2004, I was fired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Bruce Allen had just replaced Rich McKay as General Manager, and I was a “McKay Guy,” weary from two years of internal battles between head coach Jon Gruden and Rich (as well as the rest of us in...
by Nathan Whitaker | Dec 26, 2022 | leadership, relationships, Resilience
I’m sure Tony Robbins might not approve, but I’ve been known to backdate my goals. Yes, backdate. (Yes, having actual, forward-looking goals or a “One Word” is good, but stick with me – this is different.) At the end of December,...
by Nathan Whitaker | Nov 23, 2022 | relationships, Resilience
Want more energy? Want to feel more upbeat? Want to experience a release from the challenges of the day? Find things to be grateful for. Robert Emmons, professor at the University of California at Davis, has found that practicing gratitude not only affects our...
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